
Cornella Brewery

Food & Drink - Brewery Beer & Cider Heathcote

Phone: 5433 6338
Mobile: 0400 948 862


Cornella Real is a nano-brewery located in the heart of the Heathcote Wine Region, at The Shiraz Republic. Starting in 2016, we produce small batch, quality ales with a focus on English styles. Sharing The Shiraz Republic’s philosophy of winemaking, our beer is hand crafted with quality ingredients, using natural and traditional processes.

Our inspiration for brewing comes from our experience travelling around the UK and drinking the ‘real ales’ that are iconic of its beer culture. The Campaign for Real Ale (in charge of classifying what makes a ‘real ale’) is one that seeks to protect and promote producers of ‘real ale’ who only use traditional processes and ingredients. We brew our beers in line with this philosophy where we can, while taking the liberty to experiment with ingredients. The ‘Real’ in our name has come to mean more than our alignment with the movement. ‘Real’ now signifies real beer, made by real people using real ingredients.

In Spanish, they use the word elaborar (to elaborate) to describe the processes of beer and wine making. The difference in philosophy being that the ingredients are nurtured to completion rather than a beer or wine being made.

A lot of craft beers and wines today involve a lot of scientific processes and manipulation that result in an engineered-feeling product (many of which we enjoy regularly). Traditionally, ales have been made with minimal intervention while achieving tasty results. Our beers are made with feel, taste and love, hand crafted all the way from ingredient to glass – to us, this is what craft and artisanal beer is about.

We believe that with quality ingredients, a good recipe and sound processes, you can make great beer. In fact, we think we do.

Visit our cellar door to taste our range. Cellar door open 10 am til 6 pm, 7 days.

507 Hamblin Rd Cornella VIC 3551
